How to Track Large Purchases in GA4 & Target High-Value Buyers in Google Ads.

💥 ğŸ¤¯ ğŸš€ Here is how you can track large purchases in GA4 and then target high-value purchasers in Google Ads. 👇

1) Create a new custom event with the following configuration (check the screenshot).

2) Add the desired amount under the 'value' field.

For example,

If you only want purchases greater than or equal to $500 to be reported as large purchases, then enter '500' under the 'value' field.

Note: Do not type the currency symbol in the 'value' field.

You can use similar logic to track different categories of website purchases.

Then create and target high-value purchasers by creating custom audiences in GA4 and using them as remarketing audiences in Google Ads.